Arturo Books • By Anne Broyles

These charming bilingual books follow the close relationship between Arturo and his grandmother Abue Rosa.

In Arturo and the Navidad Birds, Abue Rosa and Arturo decorate a Christmas tree together. When Arturo accidentally breaks a precious glass bird (pajarito), he hides it and tries to create a replacement. The boy is wracked with guilt and finally confesses to Abue, who reassures him that people and memories are more important than things.

Arturo and the Navidad Birds
Pelican Publishing - ISBN 978-1455618019
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In Arturo and the Benvenio Feast, Abue Rosa and Arturo are making a welcome dinner for Tia Ines’ new fiancé. They plan a wonderful dinner to welcome him into the family with plantains, pollo, and pastel, but Abue Rosa has a headache and Arturo encourages her to take a nap. He decorates and sets the table, but what will happen when Abue Rosa doesn’t wake up in time? With a bit of creativity, Arturo takes charge and creates a welcome feast like no other.

Arturo and the Benvenido Feast was awarded an International Latino Book Award for "Best Bilingual Children's Fiction Picture Book."

Arturo and the Benvenido Feast
Pelican Publishing - ISBN 978-1455622832
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